Virtual or in-person couples therapy: Which is better?
One of the questions I am often asked in consultations is whether I recommend in-person or virtual services for couples and relationship therapy. The answer is always complicated as there are many benefits to each. This blog lists the key benefits of both online and in-person services to help you decide which option is best for you.
1. Benefits of In-Person Couples Therapy
Being in a different space
Couples have shared with me that they find it helpful to attend therapy appointments outside of their home. I have often heard that the therapy room can feel like a neutral, safe space for difficult discussions.
The journey home
Many couples use the time on their walk or drive home from sessions to debrief and connection. You can plan a coffee date or dinner after the session, this can be a ritual for reconnection and time together outside of the house that is focused on your relationship.
In-person appointments can provide more privacy for couples with older children or family living in the home. You do not have to worry about others in your house overhearing the conversations that take place in therapy.
Non-Verbal Communication
As a therapist, in-person therapy allows me to notice many more elements of communication between couples. This includes eye contact, facial expressions, physical contact between partners, and body language. Couples often find these elements useful in bringing more depth to our work together.
2. Benefits of Online Couples Therapy
Long Distance Relationships
Partners in long distance relationships can access couples therapy online in a way that is much more accessible than navigating the logistics of in-person therapy. Partners have the opportunity to attend and connect through couples therapy while in different physical locations.
Virtual couples therapy allows parents to attend sessions without having to arrange childcare. Many clients schedule appointments after bedtime.
Home is often a place of comfort and safety. Attending therapy while sitting on your couch, with your favorite blanket, or snuggled up with your cat can bring a sense of comfort to therapy appointments.
3. How do I decide?
There are many benefits to both online and in-person therapy sessions and research has demonstrated that outcomes for each method are similar. It is important to find the option that works best for you and will support you in your couples therapy journey. Still unsure of what is better for you? Reach out for a consultation.