Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

This is our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. Therapy with Katherine provides couples therapy in Toronto and virtually across Ontario. Internet privacy is an issue that we take very seriously and Therapy with Katherine is committed to protecting your privacy. We believe it is important for you to know what information is being collected about you, how that information is being used, with whom it is being shared, and how to contact us if you have additional questions or concerns.

By using the Therapy with Katherine website, you consent to the collection and use by Therapy with Katherine of personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

What information does Therapy With Katherine gather/track, and how is it used?

Information gathered online can generally be categorized as either anonymous or personally identifiable. Anonymous information is information that cannot be traced back to a specific individual. For example, Therapy with Katherine knows how many searches are queried each day at each of its Web sites but does not know the names, e-mail addresses or gender of the people searching. Even after you have signed up for Therapy with Katherine, we do not know your name or email address when you are conducting searches.

Personally identifiable information is information you provide that lets us know specific facts about you so that we can customize the information Therapy with Katherine delivers to you accordingly. This information can include your name, address, zip code, age, etc. It is our belief that you will find it beneficial to provide us with personal information so that your experience with Therapy with Katherine is more satisfying.

Gathering and Use of Anonymous Information

Each time a visitor comes to a Therapy with Katherine web site, we collect some information to improve the overall quality of the online experience, including product monitoring and product improvement. We do not know who is specifically visiting our site.

At the Therapy with Katherine web site, we collect the visitor’s domain name (e.g. whether the user is logged on from aol.com or whitehouse.gov), referral data (e.g., we record the address of the last URL a user visited prior to clicking through to the Therapy with Katherine web site), and browser and platform type (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 browser on a Windows XP platform).

In addition to collecting these types of information, Therapy with Katherine collects aggregate queries for internal reporting. We also count, track, and aggregate the visitor’s activity into our analysis of general traffic flows at our sites (e.g. tracking where traffic comes from, how traffic flows within the Therapy with Katherine properties, etc.). To these ends, we may merge information about you into group data but Therapy with Katherine will not disclose your individual identity or personal data without your permission.

Use Of ‘Cookies’

Therapy with Katherine’s web sites use cookies to monitor traffic flow, patterns of travel within and through the sites, and to dynamically generate content. Cookies are a standard Internet technology that allows us to both store and retrieve login information on a user’s system. Our web server automatically asks a new user whether his or her browser will agree to accept a Therapy with Katherine cookie file. If a visitor accepts, our web server will identify the user’s cookie for Therapy with Katherine’s use in internal reporting. If a user accepts a Therapy with Katherine cookie, but would later like to remove it from his or her computer, he or she can just remove it from the browser.

Gathering and Use of Personally Identifiable Information

We collect personally identifiable information that you provide to us when you register as a member of Therapy with Katherine and/or when you update your member profile. We use the personally identifiable information that you supply to provide you with the specific services you select and to send you emails about web site maintenance and updates, which may include new features and enhanced functionality.

Personally identifiable information is not shared with third parties.

Special Policy With Regards to Information from Children Under Thirteen

Therapy with Katherine will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from any minors without parental consent. When we do receive information (with parental consent) from minors, we will never voluntarily share their personally identifiable information with third parties, regardless of their stated preference given at registration.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal information is stored and maintained in a secure environment. Therapy with Katherine takes technical, contractual, administrative, and physical security steps to protect personal information that you provide to us. We have implemented procedures to ensure that your personal information is only made available to such designated staff as necessary to carry out the stated purposes that we have communicated to you.

You can help protect the security of your personal information. For instance, never give out your password, and remember to log out of your account and close your browser window when you finish using the Therapy with Katherine website, so that other people using the same computer won’t have access to your personal information. We will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited e-mail.


Therapy with Katherine will keep your personal information for as long as it remains necessary for the identified purpose or as required by law, which may extend beyond the termination of our relationship with you.

If you request that your name be removed from our databases, it may not be possible to completely delete all your personal information due to technological and legal constraints.

Amendment of this Policy

If we find it necessary or desirable to change our Privacy Policy in the future, we will post an appropriate notice on the Therapy with Katherine home page (include link to home page). Any change to this Privacy Policy will become effective on the date the change is posted and will apply to information collected from the date of the posting of the revised Privacy Policy and to existing information held by Therapy with Katherine. The date on which the latest update was made is indicated at the top of this document. We recommend that you print a copy of this Privacy Policy for your reference and revisit this policy from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of the Therapy with Katherine website signifies your acceptance of any changes.

Access and Accuracy

You have the right to access your personal information to verify the personal information that we have collected in respect of you. Upon receipt of your written request, we will provide you with a copy of your information. We will make every reasonable effort to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date, and we will enable you to revise the personal information as appropriate. Having accurate personal information about you enables us to give you the best possible service.

You can help by keeping us informed of any changes such as a change of address or telephone number. If you would like to access your information, or if you find any errors in our information about you, please contact us at our Contact Page.

Therapy with Katherine will endeavor to deal with all such requests for access and modifications in a timely manner.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or Therapy with Katherine’s privacy practices that were not answered here, reach out to our Privacy Officer on our Contact Page.

If the Therapy with Katherine Privacy Officer does not resolve an issue to your satisfaction, you may file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by calling 1-800-282-1376 or by writing to:

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada
112 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 1H3